Local Law 97 Compliance with EmPower Solar - EmPower Solar

Local Law 97:
What is it?

NYC Local Law 97 effects all NYC commercial properties over 25,000 square feet. Installing solar panels may mitigate all or most of your portfolio’s liability and generate profit without capital expenditure.

Grid interconnection is limited, and implementing an energy management strategy for your property cannot happen overnight. The time to plan is now.

How can I profit from this law?

Our team is ready to provide you with a complimentary portfolio analysis for Local Law 97 compliance.

Why is Local Law 97 so important?

Local Law 97 is one of the most ambitious carbon emissions laws to be put into place by any city across the world. Part of the Climate Mobilization Act, passed in 2019, the law aims to drastically reduce emissions put forth by buildings larger than 25,000 square feet. These buildings account for two thirds of all of NYC’s annual emissions.

All buildings above this size must meet greenhouse gas emission caps by 2024 or face annual penalties.

This means that about 50,000 buildings will be competing for ways to limit their emissions, with many turning to solar for compliance due to its inherent profit attribute. Installing solar panels may not only prevent fines, but generate profit as well.

Grid interconnection is time sensitive, critical for solar, and already limited. If you are not able to establish interconnection, you may have to settle for a non-income generating compliance option. Let us assess your earning potential now.


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Profit + Compliance

New local solar incentives are available to help you further capitalize on your solar solutions, but they are limited. Our analysts will assess your needs, research opportunities, and bundle the best available incentives to get you the greatest savings and highest possible return on your solar investment.

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Commercial Property Assessed Clean Energy, also referred to as C-PACE, is a new NYS program that allows you to monetize your property with solar without out-of-pocket costs- ideal for LL97 compliance. This solution is not held on your balance sheet, but is classified as a benefit assessment on your property tax bill, and therefore does not affect your credit.

With payment terms of up to 30 years, no personal guarantee needed, and no payment due until your system produces revenue, you gain greater profitability up front.

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